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Do dentists need professional photos?

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Generic stock photos may be cheap, but fail to resonate with potential patients. They want to see the real you and your team, showcasing genuine care and the personalised experience.

Stock photos of overly perfect smiles and Americanised families lack authenticity, leading to skepticism about the quality of your services.

Google studies show visitors ignore these photos as if they were blank. Instead of wasting thousands of ineffective photographs, why not show how you are different from the assembly-line style dentists?

Additionally, many experience dental anxiety or fear. Use professional photos of friendly and approachable dental staff in action to create a welcoming atmosphere. Patients are more likely to choose your practice if they see a team they can trust and feel comfortable with.

Our Dental & Orthodontic Website Photography brings the studio to you, offering posture and expression coaching to bring out the best in even the most camera-shy individuals. Elevate your online presence with custom photography, and see your clinic flourish.