
Using Effective Images To Attract Customers

Small business owners will often invest a great amount in design and fit-out of their businesses. The question is, will that automatically lead to customers?

After all the work getting your business up and running, it may seem like a big effort to now get professional photography to put on your website. Many owners take some phone pics and put them up, thinking it will do for now, and you can update them once you get some customers.

The mistake of familiarity

Using DIY photos is the biggest mistake owners make. Because you are so familiar with your location, your mind fills in many details for you. You have all this new gear and it looks fantastic in your eyes. But your customer hasn’t seen the place with their own eyes yet.

This is Nubo in Alexandria, a play centre that has been open a few months and we’ve visited a few times. Here are some photos we take as parents with our phones.

To us, being right there hearing children laugh, the photos look great. We fill the gaps with our own experiences. But a new customer does not have that information. They just see a dark and dank place that isn’t appealing at all.

These pics may be cute to parents of the child, but does it make you want to pay money to visit this play center? To a stranger, these photos probably have no emotional pull.

It may be only 20 minutes drive from Eastern Suburbs. But with the effort it takes getting kids ready and packed into a car, it would not be an attractive proposition.

Sydney Corporate Photographers look at your business without your assumptions, and are trained to see what attracts clients to your business.

Cheap and affordable photography

The next step is to hire a professional. Many photographers in Sydney market their services as ‘affordable’. It’s certainly attractive for small business owners. Is that really what’s most important?

All photographers have the same costs and 24 hours in the day. When one offers 5 photographs and another offers 50, there must be a different in the level or service and product.

The danger of hiring the wrong photographer, is that you’ll be stuck with images that don’t suit your needs. However, you’ve already paid for them, so you feel you must use them for a while. They’ll always be on your mind, gnawing at you whenever you see your website.

Professional photography in Sydney

Nubo Children's amusement center in Alexandria

Our approach is a little different. We work with you to create imagery that appeals to the customer’s mind. It’s about creating photographs one at a time, each designed to be business effective – not just pretty.

Our business clients have found a single photograph that meets all their requirements, is more useful than ten photographs that are kinda but not all the way there. They are proud to post their photographs, and this boosts confidence in their business dealings.

Look at these photographs that show how open and fun this place is for a child’s birthday party.

Nubo Children's amusement center in Alexandria

Not only does it show the range of play equipment, it looks bright and airy, clean and attractive. You can see there is a cafe for parents to rest, and a book area if that strikes your fancy. Parents can imagine having a coffee at these comfortable clean tables while their kids are playing within eyesight on the soft carpeted floors.

There are some decorations, but they are simple. Nothing that detracts from the venue itself.

The photographs show off the play areas, everything looks neat and clean and you can imagine how fun it would be to play there! This would actually make you plan a day out with your kids.

Make the right first impression

A customer will visit your website once and judge by your photo whether they want to use your business. You can’t tell a customer that the real place looks better, that you’ll update the photos “in the future.” Because they have already moved on to the next search result.

You wouldn’t go to a business meeting in your pajamas and promise them you’ll buy a suit once you get the job. Why present a sloppy brand on your website and hope to get your ideal customers?

Nubo Children's amusement center in Alexandria

Executive Images makes it simple and effortless to create professional photographs and video that show off your business.

We work with you to understand your ideal client and what they are thinking, so that we can create lifestyle photographs that are effective and real.

We service businesses across Sydney and beyond. Contact us to find out how easy and quickly you can show off your hard work.

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Being professional means looking professional. Take care of your image so your clients gain confidence in you… Get this free booklet with tips on how to always look your best and be seen as a leader in your industry, guaranteed.

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